Woven winter topiary Garden!

Woven winter topiary Garden!

I wasn't really planning another blog post before the holidays, but somehow it has come to pass.  My sewing room sort of pulls me in somedays and I get totally lost in the idea of the moment.  Even so, I am not entirely sure how I came to be making this project now....there is an internet trail of clicks I suppose. It went from thinking about what to do with a patch of our garden, to looking at images of topiary gardens, to considering that these were a good topic for embroidery, to researching knot gardens, to sketching an idea, to raiding my fabric stash and picking up my needle.   I am not always a massive fan of the internet, which seems to take over our lives and especially that of our children, but actually it is a huge resource, when ever an idea pops into our heads and we can instantly find a world of inspiration out there.

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